Sunday, November 16, 2008

SHS won 1st sweepstakes at Mauldin!

This is like my 1st time to feel so proud of our forensics team. Because I'm able to participate and show my courage for the whole team. Mr. Bynum and all of us have been working really hard to try to get better, to dominate at tournaments. I worked hard, too. I went to every practise last week and enjoyed my 1st tournament yesterday. I didn't place. But I'm so, so proud of myself. All three of us - Oryza, Nia, and I - performed very great yesterday. And gladly Oryza placed 5th. We all were very very happy yesterday, I believe. And I became Nia's cookie. ;)

Nia said after the award ceremony while we were looking at our ballots, "Eileen!!! I want to buy you like a cookie!!!"

I felt so proud for our team. I still remember that moment when the powerpoint showed 'Southside' won 1st sweepstakes. It's not just the trophy we all loved. We got what we deserved. Our team has a very very strong spirit.

Back to myself, that was my 1st tournament. I was a little bit nervous in my 1st round. Because everyone else did so well. I had to restart after I messed up my 1st sentence. I always messed up my 1st sentence while practising. But I'm glad that I didn't mess up a lot later on in my speech. In my second round. I didn't mess up at all. That was my 1st time that I didn't mess up. And I believe that gave me enough courage to lead me to my 3rd round. I didn't left anything out in my 3rd speech. But I messed up a little. But I felt confident in that round. And gladly - I got 1st in that round as I saw on my ballot later. 4th round, I still messed up a little bit. But I felt no nervous anymore. I have what I need now - experience. I know what's going on. And I will practise my hand gestures, fluity of my speech, and my speed now. I'm going to work hard for asheville coming up this weekend.

This is so much fun. Forensics is indeed, the one shiny part of high school life. Gary - the one that I need to thank most - gave me a hug after the award ceremony. He is good at every event he does. And he is really nice to everyone. He edited my speech for me, listened to my practise, and gave me many advices. And I also want to thank all those people who helped - Andre and all the other IE people who listened to my 1st practise; David who edited my speech for me; mom and dad who supported me; Daniel and Priyanka who listened to my practise on Friday night; and all the other people who gave me courage. Without you all, I couldn't have enjoyed my 1st tournament experience.

You have a lot of talent, just need more experiences, so commitment to
this, :), and you go far.

Yes, Asheville, here I come.


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